Lewis Powell: Personal

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I grew up in the suburbs of Chicago, went to college in Western New York, and spent six years in Los Angeles for grad school. After grad school, I spent a year in Detroit before moving to Buffalo, where I currently live. I have liked every place I lived, which probably says more about me than about the places I've lived.

I have a dog who is the best dog. There are many pictures of her on instagram. She is a pit bull, enjoys napping, making friends, and going for walks. Her name is Scully, after the character from the X-files.

When I can find the time (or more realistically, when I make the time), I enjoy knitting, board games, and crossword puzzles. While I was in Los Angeles, I was involved (as an enthusiastic amateur) in the improv comedy community. Before grad school, I was an avid reader of fiction, and I am trying to become one again.

I played drums when I was younger, and took up the flute during grad school. As with most of my hobbies, I am trying to make room for it in my life again, but am fairly delinquent about it at present.

I used to make a web comic with my friend Diane Heaton. It was called Terror Island. Later, Diane and I made a podcast, RequestCast, where our discussions were directed by listener requests.

Me with my dad

Some recommendations (updated periodically):

  • The movie Dirty Dancing
  • The works of Ursula K. Leguin, especially Left Hand of Darkness and Tombs of Atuan
  • HBO's Temple Grandin Biopic
  • Columbo
  • The Mountain Goats